XpressDox Document Automation

Configuring SSO Integration - self hosted servers only

In a self-hosted environment you need to register XpressDox in your Microsoft Azure Tenant. In Microsoft Azure AD, click on App registrations and then on New registration:   Next, give your application a name. Select the first radio button (Accounts in this organizational directory only). Select Web from the drop...

How to achieve a silent install - XpressDox

A silent XpressDox install can be achieved using PowerShell or SCCM Download the XpressDox exe file from our Downloads page.   How to install: To perform a silent installation, download the xpressdox.exe from the Downloads page Create a silent.bat as follows: cd <path to xpressdox exe> xpressdox.exe /Hide /[TROUBLESHOOTER]=N /[FIRSTTIMEWEBSITELAUNCH]=N...

What is the difference between an XpressDox data element and a variable?

If you have come from a HotDocs background you might think that the difference between a data element and a variable is simply semantics. However, there are important differences you need to be aware of. As you probably know XpressDox makes use of XML as its underlying data structure and...

Setting up Delegation in a Domain Controlled Environment - XpressDox

Setting up Delegation is necessary in a Windows Authentication environment, when the File server is not the Application server. In IIS: Enable Windows Authentication and Impersonation       In the Configuration Editor, take note of the following settings:     In the site’s Application Pool, go to Advanced Settings...