September 27, 2024

Why can't I browse my Documents folder in my cloud account

Too many files in a folder

Unless otherwise specified, assembled documents are auto saved to a default location and given a name. The location is a folder called Documents inside the same folder that the template is run from, and the name of the assembled document is the same as name of the template. And every time that template is run and a new document assembled, a new version of the document is made with the same name and an incremented version number.

Depending on the volume, this can start to become problematic to the point that the folder containing all the assembled documents becomes unable to be navigated. The folder contains too many files, and if you click on the folder it is likely that the system will hang.

This problem is easily fixed with the implementation of a folder structure in which to file your assembled documents, the implementation of a naming convention for your assembled documents, and possibly even creating a task to empty out the documents folder after a certain amount of time should you no longer need to store them on the XpressDox cloud account.


Implement a folder structure:

Instead of saving all assembled documents to \Documents consider a folder structure such as \Documents\[ClientName] or \Documents\[AccountNumber]

XpressDox can create folders from values supplied in the interview, and so if you want to create a structure where you name folders per Client name or Account number then you can do just that using either the SetSavedDocumentFolder command, or better yet the Configuration.

Implement a file naming convention using the XpressDox configuration

Should you prefer to do this with a command «SetSavedDocumentFolder(.\Documents\<AccountName>)» then consider putting that command into an included template to avoid needing the command on every template.


Implement a naming convention:

Along with specifying where assembled documents should be saved, you should also implement a file naming convention. If no name is specified then, as previously mentioned, all assembled documents will be given the same name as the template and versioned. The names of the files could be so much better!

You can include matter numbers, client names, the current date – anything you like, really. Create a good meaningful name for your file for easy retrieval and also to avoid a situation where you have multiple versions of files with the same name.

Again it’s best to do this in the Configuration:

Implement a file naming convention using the XpressDox configuration

Should you prefer to do this with a command «SetSavedDocumentFileName(<ClientName> – <TemplateName>)» then consider putting that command into an included template to avoid needing the command on every template.



The configuration works as a hierarchy. Settings applied to this folder (either the path at the top of the config screen for desktop, or the folder into which you upload the DocumentAssembly.config file to the cloud) will also be applied to sub-folders. Should you have another config file in a lower folder structure then the settings will be merged. Settings located in a template will overwrite any config level settings.


Reserved words:

There are some reserved words for use in the naming of files. They are as follows:





But you can put anything into the file name. It is recommended that you make those data elements Required to ensure that the user supplies values for those fields.


Scheduled tasks to delete documents:

You may also find you don’t need to keep documents on your cloud account. Have a look at these articles to learn how to auto-delete documents from your cloud account after a period of time:

XpressDox hosted cloud

Self-hosted cloud