Tutorial Videos
XpressDox Introduction
These 3 short introduction videos will show you easy it is to create and run XpressDox templates!
Total viewing time +- 9 minutes.
An overview of XpressDox
Welcome to the world of XpressDox! This orientation video will give you a basic idea of authoring your first template.
- Turn a document into a template
- Run the template with new client information
Create your first template
Here you will learn how to:
- Author your template with the Question command
- Save and run that template
The Interview
A closer look at the interview:
- Preview a document before assembling
- Save and re-use data
Basic Authoring tools
Now let's have a closer look at the basic authoring tools on the XpressDox ribbon.
Note that the Question Command forms part of our Low Code. You may find you want to stick to the Question command, or you may start to find it restrictive if you want to re-use code in future templates you build.
The Question Command
Start with the Question Command to insert different types of questions into your template.
- Text fields
- Lists
- And so much more …
Manage Interview
Now that you have fields on your interview, they may not be in the correct sequence. Manage Interview can help!
- Re-sequence fields
- Assign fields to tabs
- Create tabs on the fly
The If Block
Document logic, the backbone of document automation! Conditionally include text on your document. Include or exclude:
- Words or phrases
- Sentences
- Or even entire clauses!
The Repeater Question
Often documents require multiple parties but the number of parties is not known when authoring your template.
- Use the Repeater Question to cater for multiple parties or objects
- How to capture repeating data
The Command Assistant (part 1)
Now that you know about the basic authoring tools you can graduate on to the Command Assistant!
- Contains all XpressDox commands
- Learn about the helpers
The Command Assistant (part 2)
There is more to learn about the Command Assistant!
- Add often used data elements to the list
- Drag and drop
The Intermediate course
Now that you have mastered the Basic Authoring skills, you are ready for the Intermediate course. Watch these tutorial videos in any order, and read through the description for a brief overview of its content.
Content is added to this library as often as possible.
Highlight the Inserted Text
When proof-reading an assembled document, it can be difficult to identify the text inserted by XpressDox. These commands help!
- PreviewHighlight highlights the text in the previewed document
- PaintInsertedText colours the text on the assembled document
Working with Dates
Learn how to format dates in a specific output, and even calculate future dates, in your document using:
- FormatDate
- IncrementDate
Placing text on your interview
Using the Heading and Footing commands, you can:
- Add text to your interviews, creating sections to your interviews,
- Add spaces between fields, or
- Even guide your user with help text!
Understanding Variables
It might sound like semantics, but there is a big difference between Data Elements, and Variables in XpressDox.
- Store temporary values
- Perform calculations
Web v14
Watch these tutorial videos for how XpressDox works in the web environment. All videos were recorded in v14.
Total viewing time +- 13.5 minutes
v14: An orientation
Welcome to v14 of our web product! Please take a minute a watch this orientation video and learn:
- how to navigate,
- where to find data options,
- how to search.
The web explorer
Here you will learn about the menu structure in the web and the new look and feel.
- where to find your templates and files,
- how to favorite.
The web interview & data options
This short video will cover the interview and data options:
- Running templates,
- Most recent and current interviews,
- Re-using data.
Web Administrator options
Intended for the Administrator level, the topics covered here include:
- Account Settings
- Manage Users
- Folder Permissions
Sharing Interviews
Learn how to share interviews with external clients. This video also briefly covers:
- The naming of data files
- XD_isSharedInterviewMode
- ValidateBeforeShare
Some Advanced concepts
This library of videos, some of the advanced concepts, shows the versatility and power behind the program and is a chance for XpressDox to show off!
Content is added to this library as often as possible.
Parameterized Scripts
Create your own re-usable functions, and pass in data elements as parameters.
- You are creating your own XpressDox function!
Read data from a database
Templates can read data from a database. This tutorial covers:
- what the database needs,
- the configuration process,
- the command on the template.
Integration with DocuSign
XpressDox supports a full integration with DocuSign!
- The commands needed for the integration
- The commands needed to insert signatures and date signed.
Authoring in Earlier versions
The above videos have been recorded in v14 of XpressDox. If you are using an earlier version, your ribbon might be different. The following videos have been recorded in earlier versions. Whilst document automation itself is the same, we have worked very hard to make authoring easier in v14!
Getting started
In the absence of a Question command, use the Getting Started button on the ribbon. You’ll learn how to
- Create your first template in v12
- Save and run templates
The Command Editor
The Command Editor contains every command and function in XpressDox and provides helpers for each one.
- Learn how to insert commands
- Learn about the menu options in the Command Editor
An introduction to Commands
After this video you will have a working knowledge of some of the often used commands:
- Change text to upper case
- Dates and numbers
- Choose from a list
Document Logic
Using the If command, conditionally include or exclude text based on the outcome of an interview question
- Include simple phrases
- Include entire clauses
Work with repeating data
When you need to insert multiple parties or multiple properties onto a template, you need to use repeating data.
- the ForEach command
- how to handle plurals
Improving the interview experience
Although the interview is constructed for you, there are some commands you can use to further guide users:
- Help and heading text
- Captions
- Default values